
  • 1 packet of OFCSM Chilorio seasoning base

Preparation Method

Empty the contents of the packet into a small saucepan, add 2 ½ cups of water, and bring to medium heat. Let it simmer for 10 minutes.



  • 1 kg of corn dough (or ½ kg of dry corn flour)
  • 250 g beef lard
  • 1 tablespoon salt

Preparation Method

Mix the three ingredients well with your hands, kneading until you have a smooth, uniform dough. Shape the dough into 5 cm diameter balls ("testales") and let them rest, covered with plastic, for half an hour. Shape the dough into thick, 1 cm gorditas with your hands. The gorditas are cooked just like tortillas, on a hot griddle, but they take a bit longer due to their thickness. Place the gordita on the griddle and wait for it to cook on one side—when the edges start to change color, flip it with a spatula and let it cook on the other side. Flip it again, and the gordita should puff up, similar to a tortilla but less noticeably. Remove from the griddle and open it with a spatula or knife.


  • 2 cups grated panela cheese
  • 2 cups refried beans
  • Salsa molcajeteada prepared with OFCSM Molcajete Sauce base


Place the filling in the thickest part of the gordita and close it. Serve hot with your favorite salsas and freshly cooked beans.