Modo de preparacion
Cocine 8 piezas de pollo de la manera en que acostumbre, separe las piezas de pollo del caldo y reserve. Mezcle el contenido del sobre con dos y media tazas de caldo y licúe. Vacíe en una cacerola y deje que hierva hasta que tome consistencia de atole. Sirva en cada plato una pieza de pollo caliente y bañe con el pipián. Acompáñelo con arroz rojo.
Preparation Method
In a saucepan, cook the pork with water, salt, garlic, and bay leaf. Once fully cooked, set aside 2 ½ cups of the broth, add the contents of the seasoning packet and the chilacayotes. Once the chilacayotes are cooked, add the pork and let it simmer for a few minutes, making sure the chilacayotes don't fall apart.
Preparation Method
Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the garlic and onion until translucent. Add the shrimp and lightly brown them. Add the pipián sauce and adjust the seasoning. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley and accompanied by white rice.
Preparation Method
Blend the pipián with the cream cheese and cream. Adjust the seasoning. In a baking dish, place the cooked pasta and chicken cubes, pour the sauce over them, and heat in the microwave. You can sprinkle some grated cheese on top and heat until the cheese is melted. Serve immediately, accompanied by a salad.
Preparation Method
Soften the pork cracklings by boiling them with a little water. Once softened, add the pipián and bring to a boil again. Adjust the seasoning. Serve with refried beans or red rice.